8 Best Cheap Soundproofing Materials – Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Is unwanted noise from your neighbors keeping you up at nights making it hard for you to sleep because of all the sounds outside your home? If yes, then you’re well aware of the need for a quiet and peaceful environment.

We don’t have any control over external noise such as dogs constantly barking, traffic noise, kids shouting next door, loud car horns, etc. so unless you’re moving anytime soon I bet you’re wondering what’s the best way to soundproof your house.

Well, it’s your lucky day, in this article I’m going to show you the most inexpensive soundproofing material that really works some magic!

Best Cheap Soundproofing Materials

Investing in high-quality material is essential if your soundproofing project is going to be a success. These are the best soundproofing materials available on the market today and the best thing about these products is that they are both effective and affordable.

  • Green Glue
  • Moving blankets
  • Mass loaded vinyl
  • Roxul mineral wool insulation
  • Traps
  • Noise reduction underlayment
  • Acoustic wedges
  • Sound panels
  • Fiberglass insulation
  • Mute-XBass
  • Sheetrock
  • Foam mattress toppers
  • Foam factor acoustic foam
  • Medium density fiberboard

Here’s a list of the best cheap sound deadening materials for DIY enthusiasts

1. Green Glue Sealant

Cheap Soundproofing Materials
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Green Glue is considered to be one of the most popular and effective soundproofing materials on the market. It’s a sound dampening material and works best when installed between two hard surfaces. When applied between two layers of drywall, it can dissipate the sound vibration that passes through walls and floors.

One advantage green glue has over other damping compounds is that you don’t need to use screws to attach the two surfaces. I really like the fact that it functions as an adhesive as well. This amazing product is used to seal holes, seams and gaps in walls, ceilings and open spaces like electrical boxes, fixtures and screw holes.

Green Glue compound has a unique polymeric formula that transfers mechanical energy caused by sound waves into heat. Based on testing, green glue has scored a 56, which is way above most soundproofing materials available.

Green Glue is available in various shapes and sizes from 28-ounce tubes to 5-gallon buckets. If green glue isn’t available in your country, then you can check out its alternatives.

2. Soundproof Blackout Curtains

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Noise reducing curtains are another great way to reduce noise and echoes. They’re usually made from thick dense materials that consist of sound absorbing materials like microfibers. The thick material used also ensures that your room stays warm during winter days while the black liner helps to keep out the heat during the summer time as well as the light, which is super useful for light sleepers.

Windows tend to let in a lot of unwanted noise. If you’re tired of hearing your neighbor’s dog barking or simply need your living room to feel more tranquil, then a Nicetown Blackout Curtain may be right for you.

They’re very attractive and easy to use. You can simply hang them up like you would with any other curtain. They’re available in multiple colors and give any room an upscale and quality look.

You can use them in a bedroom, bathroom, nursery, home theater or wherever you want to experience peace and quiet. You have to be aware though that they don’t completely eliminate sounds coming from the outside, they just dampen the sounds so you notice them less.

3. Thick Moving Blankets

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These blankets are not only great for moving but they’re also effective when it comes to soundproofing. Just like noise reducing curtains, moving blankets are superb for sound dampening because they’re thick, dense and can be used for many different things, including sound dampening the windows, walls and doors.

Using a moving blanket is relatively simple and if you’re on a budget, it’s best to use these instead of doing professional soundproofing, which can be quite expensive and time-consuming.

When choosing a moving blanket make sure to get ones that are heavy because the heavier it is the better the result will be. Also, make sure to choose one with grommets since you’ll be hanging these blankets on the wall.

4. Acoustic Foam Panels

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These are commonly found in music studios and in the background of gaming Youtuber’s videos thanks to their efficiency in improving acoustics.

They’re not exactly the best option when it comes to soundproofing a room but instead they’re best used to improve a room’s acoustics. If you’re working on a home recording studio or a place for your band to practice, then I highly recommend you get a couple of these acoustic foams and place them on your walls.

When placing these on your walls, you don’t necessarily need to cover the entire wall with acoustic foam to get results. All you have to do is place them where you usually have the source of noise and it will work just fine.

These foams are available in a wide range of sizes, shapes and colors, some of our favorite acoustic foam panels are Foamily Studio Foam Wedges and the Charcoal Foam Wedges.

5. Bass Traps

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These are foam-like products designed to absorb low-frequency sounds (bass). There are two different types of bass traps, resonant absorbers and porous absorbers. They’re commonly found in home theater, master room, recording rooms and other rooms designed to offer a critical listening environment.

These are pretty easy to install, and cost-effective, too. All you have to do is simply place one on each corner of your wall. If your goal is to reduce as much bass noise in your room as possible, then you may want to check these traps out.

6. Sound Deadening Mats for Cars

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The mass and density of these materials are effective in dissipating sounds and reducing the amplitude and energy of the noise. These mats are affordable, easy to install and lightweight.

However, finding the best sound dampening mats on the market can be quite challenging which is why I’m going to highlight two of the most effective car sound isolating mats that I’ve personally used myself.

FatMat Sound Deadener

FatMat is one of the most popular sound deadening materials on the market. This sound deadener can be used to stop annoying rattling, vibration and road noise as well as increase your car audio’s sound and bass. Using this sound deadener can reduce outside sound from your car interior by 3 decibels.

With the 50 mil nominal thickness, you will find this deadener pretty valuable and able to take on the most demanding jobs. FatMat is also self-adhesive which makes it extremely easy to install and apply. Considering everything that I’ve said about FatMat, the price range for this material is a bit higher than other ordinary deadeners. (Check current price on Amazon)

Noico Sound Deadener

The Noico Sound Deadener is another effective way to insulate your car from road noise, rattling and even improving your sound system quality so if you’re a music lover (like myself), you can expect your car sound quality to dramatically improve. What I really like about this product is that it’s much cheaper compared to other sound deadeners like Dynamat and FatMat.

It’s also self-adhesive so you don’t have to worry about spending additional money on your own adhesive. Unlike other materials on the market, this mat has a very strong adhesive that’s easy to stick on, making it quite hard to peel off your car.

The mat flexibility is amazing because most soundproofing mats tend to tear and break easily when applied to a certain degree other than a flat surface. Without a doubt, in my opinion, this is one of the best sound deadening materials on the market today (check current pricing.)

7. Weatherstripping Tape

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Weatherstripping tape is commonly used to reduce drafts in a house, which reduces the amount of energy needed to heat or cool a home. They also help prevent dust and rain from entering through external windows and doors. On top of all that they’re also effective when it comes to preventing unwanted sounds from passing through the gaps found in your doors and windows.

They’re pretty affordable and cost-effective. So you don’t have to worry if you’re on a tight budget. You can easily install weatherstripping on your doors and windows yourself without any hassle. If you’re interested, then you can simply check these strips out.

8. Roxul Mineral Wood (Rockwool Rockboard)

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Roxul rockwool rockboard is considered to be one of the most inexpensive soundproofing materials available out there. This acoustic mineral wool is a superb insulation board that’s ideal for improving the acoustic insulation of homes and buildings.

Mineral wool is a natural material that’s rigid, easy to cut to shape and has moisture and fire resistance up to 2150°F.

Factors to Consider When Buying Cheap Soundproofing Materials – Buying Guide


One of the most important factors to consider when buying soundproof material is the material used. Most products claim to help with sound isolation, but after testing, you’ll notice that they’re not so effective. So what I recommend doing is to check the material type used in the product to be certain it’s a material that’s known to deaden sound.


The weight of the product is also important. Based on testing we have found that the denser, heavier or thicker the material, the better it will be for soundproofing. This is why it’s best to look for thicker products especially when you’re buying curtains, moving blankets and sound deadening materials.


Before buying any product on the market, you should always keep user reviews in mind. Positive reviews are usually an indicator of quality, though it’s known that there are many shady sellers online, so it’s worthwhile to look at reviews with a critical eye.


The price of the product is another important factor to consider when buying. Some products tend to be overpriced compared to others with the same quality and effectiveness, so before spending your hard-earned cash, make sure to compare the price of each product.


So there you have it. These are the most effective as well cheap soundproofing materials for those on a tight budget. I have personally tried all of these materials myself and in my own opinion, they all work great.

I truly hoped you found this article helpful and if any of these materials caught your eye, then you can check some of the other articles I have about them. We wish you the best with your soundproofing journey.

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