Cómo insonorizar una habitación pequeña: ¡4 formas asequibles!

We all like to experience peace and quiet in our personal space so we can concentrate on what we’re doing. It’s not just our bedrooms—we also want our study rooms, small offices and recording studios to be completely noise-free.

If you’re looking to soundproof a small area, the four steps presented below will help you soundproof your small room. Soundproofing products typically aren’t too expensive, and they can be easily found on Amazon. Even if you’re restricted by a presupuesto reducido, you’ll still be able to experience success.

Cómo insonorizar una habitación pequeña

1. Insonorizar las paredes

When it comes to unwanted noise, one of the biggest problems is thin walls. There are several ways to deal with this problem, although they’ll all take some time and effort.

You can start by putting furniture, such as a bookshelf filled with books or a dresser, against a thin wall. If this trick doesn’t work, you can move onto trying different types of foam panels.

Paneles de espuma acústica, como estos, are great at absorbing noise. With this particular type of panel, you’ll get to block unwanted sound while giving your room a somewhat appealing look. These panels contain self-adhesive, so it’s very easy to attach them to a wall.

A la hora de insonorizar sus paredes, otra cosa que debe hacer es sellar todos los huecos y grietas utilizando aislamiento de fibra de vidrio. Un muro de hormigón con el más mínimo agujero puede dejar pasar mucho sonido. Sellar todos los agujeros de cada pared te llevará algo de tiempo, pero todo el trabajo merecerá la pena al final.

2. Insonorizar las ventanas

La insonorización de sus ventanas desempeñará un gran papel en la reducción de la cantidad de sonido que entra, así como de la cantidad que sale.

If you don’t mind getting rid of the natural light in your room, you can completely block your windows, which will make them highly effective sound-deadeners. However, if you want some natural light to be able to enter, you can use a different soundproofing method.

Even the smallest gaps in your windows will let sound into your room, so it’s important to ensure that any gaps are properly sealed. Using adhesive is the simplest way to sellar los huecos, and if you’re not sure which type of adhesive to use, you can check out este opción económica en Amazon.

It’s also a great idea to hang cortinas de insonorización, which are made from a thick, dense material that’s been designed to absorb any noise in a particular room. This, of course, will make the room feel much quieter. The best thing about these noise-reducing curtains may be the fact that they’re inexpensive, but they may also enhance the appearance of your room and can be used to hide any foam you’ve added to your windows.

For the best results possible, it’s a good idea to purchase curtains that will cover an entire window from top to bottom.

3. Insonorización de la puerta

There are many ways in which you can block noise from coming through a small room’s door. First of all, as with the walls and windows, you should seal any gaps you can find so that they won’t let unwanted sound travel through your doorway.

Para sellar los huecos, te recomiendo que uses esto sellador aislante. It’s an airtight sealant, which is the main reason why it’s so wonderful for sound-deadening.

El espacio entre la puerta y el suelo es otra zona por la que pueden entrar ruidos no deseados en su habitación, pero un barrido de la puerta will take care of this problem. You should keep in mind that these aren’t easy to install, though, as you’ll have to drill a hole and screw the sweep’s fastener into the door.

Another (perhaps simpler) option is to use soundproofing blankets. Using a blanket like this is one of the cheapest soundproofing solutions, and the blanket will absorb a lot of noise that’s coming in from outside, but these blankets can also make your door look less attractive. Nonetheless, if you’re interested in soundproofing blankets, you can check out the precio actual en línea.

4. Acabar con el suelo

Soundproofing a small room’s floor can be extremely expensive and time-consuming, but if you have the money you need to do so, it’s best to get professional help to complete this step.

On the other hand, if you’re on a budget and you don’t want to spend much money, I recommend that you use alfombrillas para el suelo. You can simply cover your floor by connecting these mats, as if you’re doing a large puzzle.


Estos son los métodos más sencillos y baratos que puede utilizar para insonorizar un área pequeña: empiece a experimentar hasta que vea cuáles son los que mejor le funcionan. Sin embargo, para obtener resultados óptimos, te recomiendo que los utilices todos dentro de tu pequeña habitación.

If you’re living in a college residence, where there may be restrictions as to what you can do with your room, you may also be interested in our guide to insonorización de un dormitorio.

imagen: Pixabay

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