Noico vs. Dynamat - ¿Qué amortiguador de sonido es mejor?

On the journey to soundproofing your car, you’ll probably come across a lot of sound‐deadening products for sale. It can be extremely difficult to decide which sound‐deadening material is best for your car.

That’s why I’ve put together this article comparing two of the most popular sound deadeners. I’ll be talking about the thickness, size, installation process, price and much more. By the end of this review, you should know exactly what you’re looking for in regard to soundproofing.

Noico vs. Dynamat

I’ll be comparing both sound-deadening materials on the basis of the following factors:

  • Espesor
  • Tamaño
  • Fiabilidad y eficacia
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Precio
  • Proceso de instalación

1. Espesor

Uno de los factores más importantes a tener en cuenta es el grosor del material. Cuanto más grueso sea el amortiguador, mejor será la insonorización de tu coche.

Dynamat’s Thickness

When it comes to Dynamat’s thickness, it’s a 50 to 60 mil thick material that’s able to soundproof quite well and will give you amazing results immediately. Dynamat is considered to be above average when it comes to the thickness of sound deadeners.

Noico’s Thickness

Este amortiguador de sonido está muy por encima de la media con un espesor de 80 mil. Como puede ver, Noico es mucho más grueso que Dynamat, por lo que puede esperar hasta un 50 por ciento más de resultados de aislamiento.


En términos de grosor, Noico (consulta el precio actual en línea) sale ganando. Esto no significa que Dynamat no sea un buen producto, porque puedo garantizar que lo es. De hecho, es uno de los productos insonorizantes más populares del mercado. Todo lo que puedo decir es que Noico está utilizando el elemento de espesor a su favor cuando compite con su mayor rival-Dynamat.

2. Tamaño

Another important but overlooked factor is the size of the material. This is one of the most important things to consider before buying a sound deadener, because the size will determine if you’re saving or wasting your money. Almost every sound deadener comes in a different size and it’s necessary to know which ones are larger.

This will also determine how much material you’ll need to fully sound‐dampen your car.

Dynamat’s Size

When it comes to Dynamat’s size, it is 36 square feet, which is the standard size for other competitive brands as well. Each mat has dimensions of 21 x 13 x 3.5 inches (about 53 x 33 x 9 centimeters), which is a bit larger than most sound deadeners on the market. Noico tends to be a bit smaller, but the dimensions are a bit different.

Noico’s Size

Como he mencionado anteriormente, Noico también ofrece una alfombra de 36 pies cuadrados, con la única diferencia de las dimensiones. Tiene unas dimensiones de 21,5 x 11,5 x 2,8 pulgadas (unos 55 x 29 x 7 centímetros) lo que la hace un poco más corta que Dynamat, pero sigue haciendo un trabajo bastante decente.


Como puede ver, Dynamat (consultar el precio actual online) es el ganador de esta ronda. Aunque ambos materiales tienen el mismo tamaño, la única diferencia entre ellos son las dimensiones, que son bastante importantes.

Noico vs Dynamat

3. Fiabilidad y eficacia

Reliability is important not only for sound deadeners, but when you’re making any purchase, because you don’t want to buy a product that will function for only a few days or weeks.


Without a doubt, I can guarantee that Dynamat is a fully reliable and effective sound deadener. Dynamat was established in 1989, and has received positive feedback from thousands of users. In case you didn’t know, I’ve personally used it in my own car, and I was extremely happy with the results.

Funciona bastante bien sin ningún problema, y además puedes instalarlo en cualquier ángulo, gracias a su increíble flexibilidad.


This one has been installed in my wife’s car for testing purposes. I was doubtful at first, but after doing research and reading countless user reviews, I decided to give it a try and I think it’s worth the investment.

I’ve been using it for the past year now, and I can happily say that so far, it has shown outstanding reliability and effectiveness. It’s also resistant to heat, so when the car begins to heat up, it won’t lose its functionality.


Creo firmemente que esta ronda es un empate entre estos productos. Ambos materiales funcionan bastante bien y a mucha gente le encantan.

4. Facilidad de uso y proceso de instalación

Knowing about this will save you a lot of time and money, especially if you’re not a handy person. Most people prefer easy-to-use, beginner-friendly products, and luckily, both of these products are very easy to install ( If I’m able to do it without much hassle, I can bet you can, too!).


At first, you might think the Dynamat installation process is hard, but trust me, it’s quite easy. All you’ll need to do is watch a few tutorial videos on YouTube to gather insight on how it’s done, and after that, you shouldn’t have any problems.


Noico is much more beginner-friendly. You can watch a few videos, but I don’t think you’ll need any in order to understand how this product’s installation works. Most people say they installed it by themselves without any help.


Creo que Noico tiene la ventaja en esta ronda. Aunque ambos productos son fáciles de instalar, hay una ligera ventaja con Noico (consulta el precio actual en línea), ya que no necesitarás ninguna ayuda para realizar el trabajo.

5. Precio

Finally, we’re down to the price of each product, which may be the most important thing because the price defines the value of a product. I must say that these sound deadeners are quite expensive, as they’re for cars and not houses.

Dynamat’s Price

Dynamat ranges between $2 and $5 per square foot. This depends on the seller, but overall, this product is very expensive. As people say, “You get what you pay for,” and I believe this is true. With this product, you’ll get outstanding quality, and it will get rid of your noise problems, but you will need to spend quite a bit of money.

Noico’s Price

On the other hand, if you’re low on money, this is a great alternative you can use to get the job done. It may work even better than Dynamat, if it’s installed correctly. It will only cost you around $1 or $2 per square foot.


En cuanto al precio, Noico (consulta el precio actual en línea) tiene la ventaja sobre el conocido Dynamat. Con el precio viene la calidad, y Noico es un poco nuevo en el mercado, pero se está haciendo un nombre relativamente rápido. Debido a su novedad, Noico es más barato que Dynamat en este momento.

Noico vs. Dynamat – Final Verdict

Los productos Noico y Dynamat son, sin duda, algunos de los materiales insonorizantes más eficaces del mercado actual. Dicho esto, Dynamat parece hacer un trabajo ligeramente mejor en la insonorización, a pesar de que Noico tiene un mayor grosor.

On the other hand, if you’re low on cash and are living in a cooler region, I highly recommend going with the Noico 80 mil. I hope you’ve found this article helpful, and I wish you the best with your soundproofing journey.

I’m really glad you took the time out to read this article. You can also check out my other articles on this site. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment down below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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2 comentarios en «Noico vs. Dynamat – Which Sound Deadener is Better?»

  1. Hi.
    Does the Noico black type is the same as the aluminum or silver one, just color difference or the black one since don´t have the aluminum and is less practical or efective.


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