Come insonorizzare una stanza con le coperte - 6 modi economici!

If you’re looking for a cheap way to soundproof a room, then a soundproof blanket (or more than one!) is probably what you need. Using blankets for soundproofing is, without a doubt, one of the easiest and most affordable ways to soundproof the majority of rooms.

Although a soundproof blanket won’t completely absorb all the sound, you can expect a massive reduction in echo, as well as improved acoustics. This is especially true if you cover a large amount of the room or the entire room.

Ideally, unwanted sound in the room will rebound off the blankets and be reduced, in some cases, by up to 70 percent. Personally, I use soundproof blankets as a temporary solution to the noise coming from my child’s room.

In this article, I’ll explain exactly how you should arrange the coperte nella vostra stanza per bloccare il più possibile il suono.

Come insonorizzare una stanza con le coperte

Adding a soundproof blanket to various hard surfaces in your bedroom will certainly help decrease the noise level. When you’re soundproofing a room with acoustic blankets, there are several areas that you should be sure to cover, such as:

1. La porta

Doors are often the main culprit (along with windows) when it comes to letting too much noise in and out of a room, so you’ll need to cover these areas. This is especially important if you have hollow interior doors. If so, tacking soundproofing blankets to the door of your room will dramatically increase its thickness and reduce the amount of incoming and outgoing noise.

Attaccare ogni coperta alla porta dovrebbe dare risultati migliori, ma incollare le coperte alla porta è anche un'opzione. Si dovrebbe anche fare in modo di coprire eventuali lacune sotto la porta con un spazza porta.

Blankets hanging from a door have the potential to look really weird, but since there are many designs on the market for you to choose from, you should be able to get some blankets that’ll complement the decor of your room.

2. I muri

Ci sono diversi modi per aggiungere coperte insonorizzate to your walls. You can nail the blankets up, tape or glue them to the walls, tack them on with putty or suspend them from a curtain rod. Of these options, the most permanent option is to nail them to the wall. If you decide to nail your blankets to a wall, though, you should make sure you don’t push each nail all the way into the wall.

If you’re like many people who don’t have permission to modify their walls, then I recommend that you suspend your blankets from a curtain rod (if you go this route, blankets with grommets will be easier to install). Blankets that are hung in this way are commonly seen in professional studi di registrazione.

Whichever way you decide to go about hanging them, when buying soundproof blankets, make sure you get thick ones—the thicker the blankets are, the better the soundproofing will be. The thicker ones won’t empty your wallet, either, and since you’ll only need to buy them once per year, at most, the investment will be worth it.

3. Le finestre

I don’t recommend that you install acoustic blankets directly over your windows, because this will take away your view, but if that’s not important to you, you can go right ahead. However, an alternative way to reduce the amount of noise that can travel through your windows is to use tende antirumore. Questi sono anche fatti di materiale spesso, e sembrano abbastanza buoni.

4. Il soffitto o il pavimento

Honestly, while you can use soundproofing blankets to reduce the amount of noise traveling through your floor or ceiling, or to improve the acoustics of the room, I wouldn’t recommend it. Since these blankets are thick and soft, they can make a good alternative to carpet, but let’s be honest, nailing a blanket to the ceiling can be challenging. If you feel the need to do so, it’s best to get a family member or friend to help you lift them, due to the fact that they’re quite heavy.

Acquistare le coperte corrette per l'insonorizzazione

Thicker and heavier soundproofing blankets simply have more mass, and more mass absorbs more sound. The highest quality soundproofing blankets (also known as “coperte in movimento“) actually have more than one layer. This makes them highly effective, as any sound that goes through them has to move through multiple layers.

The price of these blankets will vary, depending on their thickness and size. Sometimes they’re sold in packs, so you’ll need to pay close attention to what you’re buying.

Furthermore, I recommend that you get blankets that already have grommets or eyelets. If you get ones that don’t, you may have to cut small holes in them in order to hang them, which might look unattractive.

5. Apparecchi

Before you start covering an appliance with a blanket, you must read the appliance’s instructions carefully to be sure that it’s safe to do so. Heating appliances, for one thing, certainly won’t react well to being covered up.

Si possono usare coperte insonorizzate per coprire elettrodomestici come lavatrici, lavastoviglie e frigoriferi. Le coperte in poliestere, cotone e fibra di vetro in movimento possono fare un lavoro abbastanza decente in questo senso.

If you want to lay a blanket over your dishwasher or washing machine, you should order one that’s just as wide as your machine, but long enough to cover it neatly. This will help you reduce a lot of unwanted noise at a very affordable price.

6. Mobili

If you’ve been keeping up with my articles, you should know that any hard surface will allow soundwaves to bounce. So if your room has a lot of furniture, you might consider covering each piece up. You can use any type of blanket to do this, but thick and dense soundproofing blankets are the best choice.

Coprire i mobili della tua stanza con delle coperte da trasloco può ridurre drasticamente anche l'eco. Potrebbe non essere l'idea più attraente, ma funziona magicamente!

Concentrarsi sui punti deboli

You don’t have to cover your entire room in blankets to experience positive results. If you can identify the area that’s producing most of the noise, then you can focus on soundproofing that part of the room.

If you don’t mind spending a bit more money, you can add more layers to get even better results, instead of just spreading the blankets all over the room and hoping for the best.

Detto questo, se il rumore indesiderato è presente ovunque, allora cercare di coprire l'intera stanza con coperte insonorizzate è, in effetti, l'opzione migliore.

Le misure sono un must

Before buying a soundproof blanket, you should measure the surface you want to add it to and compare those measurements with the size of the blanket you’re looking at.

One of the worst feelings ever is when you realize you don’t have enough material to get the job done, so you should always make sure you order enough blankets to do it properly.


Spero che questo articolo ti abbia dato tutti i consigli di cui hai bisogno per insonorizzare la tua stanza con le coperte. Per ottenere i migliori risultati possibili, ti consiglio di seguire i passi sopra descritti il più attentamente possibile. Per ulteriori informazioni, controlla una delle mie altre guide su insonorizzazione di una stanza.

immagine: Joanna Bourne

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