Fino a che ora si può suonare la musica ad alto volume? - 6 modi per trattare con i vicini!

One of the most disturbing things you can encounter these days is a noisy neighbor’s music blasting your eardrums off late at night or even early in the morning.

Recent statistics have shown that about 17.9 percent of the population in Europe have reported suffering due to noisy neighbors or street noise. So it’s a common issue that a lot of people have to deal with on a daily basis.

Per fortuna, ci sono atti di controllo del rumore che tutti devono seguire affinché le altre persone possano godere di un ambiente tranquillo.

Fino a che ora si può suonare musica ad alto volume?

It varies from country to country due to different laws and regulations, but based on laws in the United States and the United Kingdom, you can’t play loud music between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

However, other countries have different rules, while some don’t have any rules at all when it comes to playing loud music. But according to my research, I believe that in most Western countries, your noise level should be kept low between the aforementioned hours of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Se si trova negli Stati Uniti, può leggere le leggi specifiche che regolano qui, e per quelli nel Regno Unito, potete leggere le vostre leggi qui.

Quanto forte è troppo forte?

Another thing to keep in mind is exactly how loud your volume is turned up when you’re playing music. If you can still hear your music playing when you step outside, then chances are, your neighbors can also hear it and may have a problem with that.

Based on my research, I think a decibel level between 60 and 70 is OK, since you’ll be able to have a conversation with your friends without raising your voice. Anything exceeding 100 dBs is too loud, because it won’t be possible for people to communicate with each other without raising their voices.

Le conseguenze della musica ad alto volume

We all enjoy playing music sometimes, because it helps keep our minds and souls relaxed, but there’s a downside to playing music loudly. It can have a negative impact on your health; for instance, by causing hearing loss that cannot be reversed. As mentioned above, playing loud music can even cause conflict between you and your neighbors.

Quando si può denunciare qualcuno per aver suonato troppo forte?

It all depends on where you’re located. However, in most places, you shouldn’t be hearing loud music between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. on weekdays, or between 12 a.m. and 9 a.m. on weekends. Before making a complaint, it’s best if you check your local noise restrictions.

E se i tuoi vicini ti disturbano con la musica ad alto volume?

One of the worst feelings ever can occur when you’re trying to get some sleep, but are woken up by the loud music being played next door. Sleep is essential to your health and well-being, so if you find that you’re unable to sleep due to loud music, then it’s best to take action in one or more of the following six ways.

1. Parla con i tuoi vicini

Have a talk with your neighbors about the loud noise coming from their place, and politely ask them to lower the volume. Many neighbors will happily turn their music down once they know it’s affecting you.

Sometimes your neighbors may not be aware that their music is too loud, and that it’s affecting the whole neighborhood, so letting them know politely is often the best course of action to take.

However, if a neighbor is being difficult after you ask them to turn their music down gently, you’ll need to move on to another method of solving the problem.

2. Chiamare la polizia

If a neighbor is being too difficult and the noise level is getting out of hand, then the best step you can take is to call the police. Police officers are usually more than happy to come by and help, and they’ll solve the problem in no time.

If you’re afraid to call the police because you don’t want your neighbors to find out, then it’s important to call anonymously, use a phone booth or even let the cops know that you’d prefer to stay anonymous for your own safety.

3. Segnalare il vicino al consiglio locale

If you don’t want to get the cops involved, but still want to take action, then the best idea is to report your noisy neighbor to your local council. Make sure that you briefly explain your problem and the action you took.

You also have the ability to report a disturbing noise problem through the website for your local authorities. All you’ll need to do is conduct a simple Google search for your local authority’s name, and make the complaint.

4. Insonorizzare la tua casa

I only recommend this method if you have some cash to spend, and if the loud noise continues after you’ve tried all the steps above.

If you’re wondering how much work it’ll take to properly soundproof your home, it actually won’t require much time at all, and you won’t need the help of an expert to get the job done.

Si può iniziare acquistando un tenda insonorizzata per le finestre, aggiungendo un altro strato di cartongesso usando la colla verde, e ottenendo una spazzola per porte e guarnizioni per chiudere qualsiasi fessura nelle porte e nelle finestre.

5. Usare protezioni per le orecchie

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Se pensi che chiamare la polizia sia una cattiva idea, un'altra cosa che puoi fare è investire in qualche protezione per le orecchie, come un paio di tappi per le orecchie o un set di paraorecchie. Qui ci sono alcuni protezione dell'orecchio prodotti che raccomando.

6. Riprodurre da soli i suoni di mascheramento del suono

Se nessuno dei metodi di cui sopra funziona (ma so che almeno uno lo farà!) puoi acquistare una macchina per il rumore bianco. Riprodurre il rumore bianco di vostra scelta può essere un modo efficace per mascherare i suoni di disturbo che si intromettono nella vostra pace e tranquillità.


I hope this article has given you everything you need to know about the hours at which you can play music loudly, and the measures you can take if your neighbors are being annoying. If you aren’t sure about the rules in your area, you can check them out online. You can also call your local authorities if you have any urgent questions.

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immagine: Pixabay

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