Best Earmuffs For Sleeping – Buyer’s Guide & Reviews

If you can’t seem to get any sleep at night, because of disturbing noise coming from outside—or maybe, you’re sleeping next to a snorer—then it’s best to invest in a pair of comfortable soundproof earmuffs to block all unwanted noise.

Having a good night’s rest is very important for your health. It’s the same as eating healthy and exercising. If your body doesn’t properly rest, this can weaken your immune system, which can lead to the development of medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

This is why investing in earmuffs is the right choice. Even though earmuffs are quite big and can be very uncomfortable to wear while sleeping, they’ll improve your quality of life.

In this article, I’ll cover the best‐quality soundproofing earmuffs on the market. If you want the best noise-blocking earmuffs for sleeping, you should continue reading!

Best Earmuffs For Sleeping

Best Earmuffs For SleepingPrice
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B06ZZGDMC6&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=soundproofwiz 20&language=en USir?t=soundproofwiz 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B06ZZGDMC6Hibermate Generation 6 Earmuffs (Editor’s Choice)See More
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00ZTC56O4&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=soundproofwiz 20&language=en USir?t=soundproofwiz 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B00ZTC56O4Wrap a Nap Sleep Mask and Earmuff (Runner Up)See More
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B003WRDFVY&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=soundproofwiz 20&language=en USir?t=soundproofwiz 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B003WRDFVY3M Peltor Optime Earmuffs (Best Value)See More
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B01N11NM6W&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=soundproofwiz 20&language=en USir?t=soundproofwiz 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B01N11NM6WHoward Leight Lightning L3 (High Quality)See More
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B074MQQNCM&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=soundproofwiz 20&language=en USir?t=soundproofwiz 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B074MQQNCMFang Sky Noise Canceling Earmuffs (Affordable)
See More

There are literally hundreds of earmuffs on the market to choose from, but to make things easier for you, we take the time out and did some research and pick the five best.

1. Hibermate Generation 6 Earmuffs – Editor’s Choice

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We consider Hibermate earmuffs to be one of the best options available on the market for sleeping. These earmuffs are extremely comfortable and come with a compact eye mask, which is great for any situation in which you just want to get a good night’s rest.

Also, because of their silicone material, they’re flexible and gentle against the skin. The Hibermate eye mask completely blocks out light, aside from helping block out most types of unwanted noise. The ear cups are also great at blocking out about 30 to 40 percent of this disturbing noise, and they’re a lot more comfortable than earplugs.

No matter which position you sleep in—on your side, on your front, on your back or traveling— these Hibermate earmuffs are the right choice for you. Another thing I really like about them is how portable the entire set is, as well as the fact that they’re easy to clean.

These high-quality silicone earmuffs will stay securely in place, thanks to their sound design. The outer satin cover is frictionless against most kinds of pillows, so the mask won’t move or slide off.


  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Can be used anywhere
  • Best for light sleepers
  • Very affordable
  • Easy to use


  • Not the best solution for a really loud environment
  • Not the best choice for stomach sleepers
  • Not ideal for people with long hair

2. Wrap a Nap Sleep Mask and Earmuff – Runner Up

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Another impressive earmuff on the market is the Wrap a Nap Sleep Mask and Earmuff. This unique product can be used in multiple ways. It combines a sleep mask, an earmuff and a neck pillow to ensure you’re comfortable while resting.

The feature I’ve found most interesting is that you can wrap it around your head while also covering your eyes and ears with it. It has the ability to completely mask sound and block out all unwanted light, thereby turning any noisy location into a place of comfort.

If you’re a traveler, this would be the perfect choice for you. It helps keep your neck in place while blocking out light and muffling sound, making it an ideal traveling companion. The manufacturer also claims that this product can even serve as a pillow for lumbar support, or a plush reading pillow.

Wrap a Nap Sleep Mask and Earmuff is portable, easy to carry and easy on the skin, due to the quality material used to make it. What I really like about these wraps is the unique design and affordable price. This is a fantastic choice when you want to block out noise and get a peaceful night’s sleep.


  • Multi-purpose
  • Best choice for traveling
  • Lightweight
  • Use it anywhere you want to


  • The fleece can make you a little sweaty

3. 3M Peltor Optime Earmuffs – Best Value

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3M Peltor Optime earmuffs are amazing over‐the‐head earmuffs that are highly recommended for back sleepers. They’re very versatile and feature double-shell technology for effective hearing protection. They also have a lightweight design with a liquid and foam-filled cushion that helps reduce noise from the full range of high and low frequencies.

These provide a noise reduction capacity of 30 decibels, which is really impressive and good enough to dramatically lower unwanted noise. With these, you’re guaranteed an excellent night’s sleep, as they’re soft and comfortable to wear; they also have a very low profile, which makes them great for people who sleep on their back.

Another thing I like about these is the fact that they have color-coding, which helps them match attenuation needs. They’re specially designed for all-day wear.


  • Great‐looking design
  • Trusted brand
  • Very affordable
  • Can be used during the day


  • May feel a bit uncomfortable after wearing them for a long while

4. Howard Leight Leightning L3 – High Quality

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The Leight Leightning L3s are the perfect earmuffs for sleeping, because of their design and maximum comfort level. I can guarantee that you’ll love these! They’re also versatile enough to wear on different occasions, such as at airports or at concerts.

These earmuffs offer a noise reduction capacity of 30 dB, which is quite amazing. They also use Patented Air Flow Control technology, which regulates the airflow inside the earmuff; this will eventually reduce sound levels across various frequencies without an increase in the size or weight of the earcups.

The snap-in ear cushions are pretty easy to clean, replace and maintain. The broad headband will give you the ability to quickly and easily customize your fit. If you’re a regular traveler, I believe these earmuffs are just the right fit for you.


  • High‐quality
  • Noise reduction of 30 dB
  • Easily maintained


  • May get warmer in hot weather

5. Fang Sky Noise Canceling Earmuffs – Affordable

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Last on our list are the Fang Sky Noise Earmuffs. These feature a lightweight design, and also come with an adjustable headband that can be easily folded so you can bring your earmuffs wherever you go.

Even though these earmuffs were specifically designed for sleeping, you can wear them for many different activities such as concerts, airport trips, shooting, etc. Despite looking a bit bulky, the Fang Sky Noise Canceling Earmuffs are comfortable, compact and suitable for back sleepers or stomach sleepers. If you’re a side sleeper, these earmuff may not be the right option for you.

These earmuffs also include soft, padded ear cushions to ensure a peaceful and comfortable sleep.


  • Lightweight design
  • Extremely affordable
  • Can be easily folded
  • Stay in place


  • May fit a bit tightly for some people
  • Not recommended for side sleepers

Do Earmuffs Block Sound?

You should keep in mind that earmuffs weren’t originally made for sleeping purposes; however, there are some earmuffs on the market that have the ability to reduce noise, and they are pretty comfortable to wear while sleeping as well. We’ve listed the five best earmuffs for sleeping directly above.

Earmuffs vs. Earplugs (Which is better for blocking sound?)

It all depends on what you are trying to achieve, but if you want to block noise completely, it’s best to invest in earplugs, because they can be inserted into your ears (rather than over your ears). Compared to earmuffs, however, some people find them a bit uncomfortable.

Another effective method you can use to block unwanted noise is a white noise machine. True to their name, these have the ability to create a white noise effect, which will allow you to fall asleep a lot more quickly.

How to Choose the Best Noise-Canceling Earmuffs

Best Earmuffs For Sleeping

There are lots of important factors to consider when buying soundproof earmuffs for sleeping, because not all earmuffs were built for sleeping purposes. Fortunately, the models on our list were designed specifically for the purpose of sleeping.

Let’s take a look at some features you should keep in mind when it comes to buying earmuffs for sleeping:


This is one of the main factors you should consider when purchasing a set of earmuffs, because earmuffs should be comfortable at all times. The level of comfort depends on the type of earmuff design you use.

Therefore, it’s best to properly inspect the earmuff design and the type of material used to create it before making a purchase. I personally prefer the slim‐built models.

Noise Cancellation Level

Noise‐blocking ability is the second most important factor when it comes to selecting earmuffs that will help you get a good night’s sleep. There are numerous ways in which earmuffs are able to block noise; some are able to because of their relatively thin layer of soundproof fabric, while others block noise with their acoustic structure and heavier material.

When choosing earmuffs, it’s best to buy a set that contains 18 decibels or more, because the louder the noise is in your environment, the more decibels your earmuffs should contain.


Safety is another important thing you should consider when purchasing a pair of earmuffs. You may find a pair that works really well in terms of helping you get a good night’s sleep, but may also pose a danger to your ears.

This is why you should take the time to carefully read user reviews about each product. If you’re not comfortable with a product after reading the reviews, then it’s best to find an alternative, because your safety should always come first.


Having proper airflow within your earmuffs is very important. If your skin isn’t allowed to breathe, it may get irritated over time. Make sure you get a pair of earmuffs that’s been designed with proper airflow while also possessing the ability to block out unwanted noise.

Overall Size and Design

You’ll notice that a set of earmuffs for sleeping usually comes with a headband. You’ll have to ensure that the headband fits your head comfortably without causing you to strain your eyes or develop a headache. If you get an earmuff that’s oversized, it may cause the muffs to slide off while you’re sleeping.

Earmuffs also come in many different styles and designs, so make sure you choose the one that best suits you!


The price of the product is a factor that you should always consider before buying. You should always compare the price to that of similar products, and see what others are saying about it as well. There are lots of reviews you can read online, but the most trustworthy ones are typically from Amazon.


I hope you found this review of the five best earmuffs for sleeping to be a valuable one. Additionally, most of the earmuffs mentioned on this list are extremely versatile, and you can wear them anywhere you want to.

If you’re living in a noisy environment, buying earmuffs can be a great investment, because you will greatly improve your quality of life. I hope you’ve already found your new pair of earmuffs so you can start having some peaceful sleep!

If you’re interested in learning more, check out my other articles on this site. If you have any questions, let us know by leaving a comment down below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Here is another article you might like: How to Block Noise From Neighbors Yard – Ultimate Soundproof Guide.

image: Pixabay

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