Wie man einen TV-Raum schalldicht macht - Vollständige Anleitung 2019

It’s a great idea to soundproof your TV room if you like to watch movies or play video games at a high volume. This will help you create a peaceful environment and prevent your neighbors from being annoyed on a daily basis.

In this article, I’ll explain the most affordable ways in which you can soundproof your TV room and reduce unerwünschtes Rauschen. Schauen Sie sich alle Schritte unten an und entscheiden Sie, welche für Sie am besten geeignet sind!

Wie man einen TV-Raum schalldicht macht

1. Schalldämmung der Tür

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The first thing you need to do is soundproof the door, because it’s one of the biggest culprits when it comes to letting in unwanted noise. Soundproofing your door can be quite easy, since it won’t require much time and effort to seal all the gaps and cracks.

However, if the gaps and cracks are small, it might be hard to locate them, but there’s a simple trick you can try. Turn the light off in the room and ask someone to hold a light while standing on the other side of the closed door. You should then notice some light passing through the gaps and cracks.

Once you’ve found all the gaps, you can easily seal the smallest ones by using the Red Devil kleiner Lückenfüller. Wenn die Lücken an Ihrer Tür jedoch größer als ein Zoll sind, empfehle ich, diese isolierende Dichtungsmasse. It’s an airtight sealant that’s great for sound-deadening. It’s also paintable, so you can paint it the exact same color as your door.

If you don’t have any money to invest in new materials, simply search your closet for a thick blanket to cover the door. Even though this solution isn’t extremely effective, it’ll help stop some noise from passing through the door.

2. Schalldämmung der Wände

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Abgesehen von der Tür empfehle ich Ihnen, die Wände schalldicht zu isolieren, da die meisten Häuser heutzutage mit extrem dünnen Wänden gebaut werden.

There are many things you can do to your existing walls to help sound-dampen them. Most of these solutions won’t require much time and effort, or any professional help.

You can start by adding more mass to each existing wall. All you’ll need for this is a layer of drywall and a green glue sealant. Adding drywall will make an old old, thin wall a bit thicker, and in that way, stop unwanted noise from getting inside.

Before buying drywall, make sure that you measure your walls, so you’ll be able to get some drywall that perfectly fits their dimensions. If you notice any gaps or cracks in the drywall, fill them up by using green glue. After you’ve finished filling up the holes, you’ll be ready to add the drywall to each existing wall.

Wenn Ihr Budget knapp ist, können Sie Ihre Wände auch mit dicke Decken. This may not be the best solution, but it’s worth mentioning for those people who don’t have a lot of money to spend.

3. Schalldämmung der Fenster

As with doors, you’ll often find a lot of gaps in your windows as well. You should also keep in mind that windows are usually made from thin materials, so you’ll need a thick, dense material to block sound from traveling through a window.

If you’re serious about soundproofing your windows, the best idea would be to completely block each window. However, most people won’t like this idea, because they need their windows for light or aesthetics.

Deshalb empfehle ich dringend die Anbringung von lärmschluckenden Vorhängen (online verfügbar). Diese Vorhänge sind sehr wirksam bei der Verringerung der Menge von Schall und Echos in einem Raum. Da Vorhänge ohnehin schön aussehen, kann ein Satz dieser Vorhänge Ihr Zimmer auch äußerst attraktiv machen.

If you don’t mind spending a fair amount of money, you may want to replace each window completely. This will probably cost you about $800 or more, including the fees you might pay for labor. If you decide to replace a window, make sure the professional who installs the new one takes the time to completely seal all of the edges.

4. Schalldämmung der Decke

Das Letzte, was Sie tun können, ist, den Schall zu dämmen. Ihre Decke. This isn’t absolutely necessary, but if your goal is to soundproof your TV room as much as possible, it’s best to consider doing it.

First, you’ll need to seal all the cracks in the ceiling to make sure sound waves don’t pass through. Once all the cracks are securely sealed, I recommend adding some AkustikschaumplattenSie sind leicht zu installieren und in vielen verschiedenen Ausführungen und Farben erhältlich.

If you don’t like the bulkiness of the acoustic panels, then you can add more mass by attaching Massebeladene Vinylmatten. If you place these mats on the ceiling, you’ll have good protection from both high and low-frequency sounds.


As you can see, there are tons of ways in which you can get rid of unwanted noise within your TV room. Most of these steps are very affordable, so if you’re on a tight budget, you won’t have to worry about emptying your wallet.

If you’re interested in learning more about soundproofing in the home, you may want to check out my Anleitung zur Schalldämmung eines Spielraums. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen, indem Sie unten einen Kommentar hinterlassen.

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