Cómo reducir el eco en una habitación con suelos de madera - 7 consejos

Los suelos de madera son uno de los tipos de suelo más populares y lo han sido durante muchos años. Esto se debe a su versatilidad y elegante diseño, así como a un encanto natural inherente que confiere a cada instalación un carácter y una belleza únicos.

Sin embargo, los suelos de madera son a menudo los principales responsables de los ruidos y ecos no deseados. La razón es que los suelos de madera reflejan las ondas sonoras, que rebotan de una superficie dura a otra, provocando el eco.

In this article, I’ll discuss a few ways in which you can easily reduce echo in your room without breaking the bank. You can even implement these methods yourself without hiring a professional!

¿Qué causa el eco en una habitación?

Echo reduction is one of the main problems discussed in the soundproofing community these days. There are many different things that contribute to echo in a room, but the most common cause is sound waves bouncing off hard surfaces so you end up hearing the same sounds again. Echoes can be very disturbing, and they’re particularly common in large rooms with high ceilings and hardwood floors.

Cómo reducir el eco en una habitación con suelos de madera

Luckily, there are many things you can do to minimize or completely eliminate echo in a room once and for all. So without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Cubrir el suelo con alfombras

Cómo reducir el eco en una habitación con suelos de madera

To reduce echo, you’ll need to start by working on the floors, and the cheapest (yet most effective!) way to do this is to cover the floor with a alfombra gruesa insonorizada.

Using a rug to cover the floor is very affordable, and the best part is, you won’t have to cover the entire floor. Once you cover some parts of your suelo de maderaDebería notar cambios significativos de inmediato.

That being said, if you have the money and don’t mind spending it, you can absolutely cover the whole area. You literally have nothing to lose here, and if you use rugs with an elegant design, your room will look very appealing.

2. Trabajos en las paredes

The next step is to soundproof your walls, and the best thing about this is that you won’t need to reconstruct them to reduce the echo. Here are a few things you can do:

Cubrir las paredes con papel pintado

If you’re on a tight budget, one approach you can take is to decorate your walls with sound-absorbing wallpapers. The great thing about soundproofing wallpaper is that it’s not just paper that’s been decorated with attractive patterns and colors. Instead, it’s made with some special layers that have been crafted to dampen noise.

Añadir paneles de espuma acústica

You’ve probably seen these panels in a home recording studio or music studio before. Well, paneles de espuma acústica are spongelike objects that you can simply place on the wall to reduce the amount of sound that’s unwanted.

Perhaps you have a home recording studio and you want to decrease the presence of unwanted sound waves, like an echo that you don’t want to end up in your recordings. If that’s so, using acoustic foam panels will get the job done.

These foam panels are relatively cheap, which means that even if you’re on a tight budget, you should still be able to afford them. It all depends on the size of your room, but you won’t even have to cover an entire wall to see a difference.

Cuelgue las mantas de la mudanza

Another popular method for combating echo in a room is hanging moving blankets. These blankets are usually made of fiberglass or polyester, which enables them to absorb and deflect sounds. By placing these blankets on the walls of a room, you’ll gain the ability to create a space that’s perfect for recording audio or video.

Colocar retratos/fotos decorativos

This method is quite simple and won’t take much effort. Since we’re looking for ways to soften the hard surfaces of the walls, simply hanging pictures that will help make each surface softer is a viable option.

3. Instalar cortinas insonorizadas

There are many different types of sound-dampening curtains on the market that have the ability to reduce sounds, reverb and echo in a room. Curtains alone may not be enough to eliminate all unwanted noise, but they’ll certainly help.

Not all curtains are effective, so you must make sure you purchase one that’s heavy and tightly woven; it should also extend from ceiling to floor and several inches past each side of the window.

Hay un montón de cortinas insonorizadas entre las que elegir, y el precio suele variar en función del diseño y la eficacia. Las dos cortinas que más recomiendo son las Cortinas insonorizadas Nicetown y el Las mejores cortinas insonorizadas de Home Fashion. All you’ll need to do is hang these curtains on a rod, as you would any other curtain set.

4. Llenar la habitación de muebles

Los ecos suelen ser más fuertes en las habitaciones vacías, porque cuando una habitación está vacía, no hay nada que absorba la energía de las ondas sonoras y la frene. Afortunadamente, hay muchos tipos de muebles que puedes añadir a una habitación vacía que se adaptan a tus preferencias y ayudan a eliminar el eco.

Si te gusta leer libros, como a mí, añadir una estantería y llenarla de tus favoritos es una gran idea. Además de deshacerse del eco, esto le dará a tu habitación un aspecto más moderno.

Otra cosa que puedes hacer es colocar un sofá blando cerca de una pared, ya que esto ayudará a absorber parte de las ondas sonoras, haciendo que la habitación esté mucho más equilibrada.

You can literally add any piece of furniture of your choice, as long as you’re not packing the room with unnecessary items. The main goal behind this method is making sure your room isn’t empty!

5. Utilizar un escudo de micrófono para grabar

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Si tu principal razón para deshacerte del eco es darte la posibilidad de grabar en paz, entonces conseguir un pantalla de aislamiento del micrófono hará el trabajo y le ahorrará mucho dinero. Lo mejor de este producto es que puedes llevarlo a cualquier parte y grabar sin preocuparte por el ruido de fondo y la reverberación.

6. Construir una cabina de grabación

A more advanced solution is to create your own recording booth inside your room. The good thing about a recording booth is that it’ll be quite small, which means you won’t need much material to reduce echo and background noise. To create a booth, you can simply use PVC pipes to create a skeleton, and then cover the pipes with a thick, heavy moving blanket.

7. Invierta en una máquina de ruido blanco

The last method we’ll cover is using a máquina de ruido blanco. As they simply emit white noise, these are extremely effective when it comes to masking other forms of noise. Using a sound machine is a temporary solution, though, and I don’t recommend using it by itself without trying any of the other methods above.


These are the best methods you can find for reducing echo in a room. They’re also very affordable, so you won’t have to worry about spending much. For more information, you may want to visit our guía para reducir el eco en una sala de grabación. Le deseamos lo mejor en su viaje de insonorización.

imagen: Pixabay

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