Come calmare lo scarico di una moto - 6 passi fattibili che puoi prendere

As you may already know, the main cause of a motorcycle’s sound is its exhaust system. Some motorcycles are very loud, and many people who aren’t that into motorcycles don’t find their noise pleasing.

Fortunately, in order to save these people’s ears, there are a few ways that you can significantly reduce your exhaust system’s noise. These are fairly cheap methods, and you’ll be able to complete most of them by yourself.

Come calmare lo scarico di una moto

1. Sigillare gli spazi vuoti e le perdite

The first thing you should do is inspect your exhaust system carefully for any small leaks. Even the smallest hole can make your motorcycle a lot louder. Once you’ve found any leaks, you’ll need to seal them. Before you proceed, make sure your motorcycle and its exhaust system have cooled down, as this will prevent you from getting hurt.

Ci sono due modi per sigillare le perdite del sistema di scarico, a seconda delle loro dimensioni.

Sigillare piccole perdite

The most common reason for small leaks is rust. The smaller the leak, the better, because this will make your job much easier. All you’ll need is nastro di scarico per sigillare completamente ogni foro e rendere il vostro scarico molto più silenzioso.

Sigillare grandi perdite

If your exhaust system has large leaks, you’ll often hear an unbearable amount of noise, compared to that produced by smaller leaks.

To seal a large leak, you’ll need to get a patch and an epossidica that’s resistant to high temperatures to complete the job. First, you must properly clean the exhaust, and after that, you should measure the size of the leak so you can cut the patch to the size that’s required to seal it. You should always add a few extra millimeters to your leak’s measurement, in order to ensure that your patch will seal the leak completely.

Once you’ve measured the leak, it’s best to apply the epoxy to the patch and then add the patch to the hole of the exhaust pipe.

2. Cambiare la marmitta Bullet

Most motorcycles have standard bullet mufflers that are often loud, but there are also various bullet mufflers that are known for their quietness. Many of them will look just as “cool” as standard mufflers, while allowing you to reduce your motorcycle’s noise level.

If you’re interested in one of these, then I suggest that you take a look at louvred, perforated and chambered bullet mufflers. Perforated ones have holes that will deaden noise, but louvred ones are usually even more effective at riduzione del rumorea causa dei materiali utilizzati per crearli.

A mio parere, i migliori silenziatori di tutti sono camerato perché questi producono naturalmente un tono più basso, e le camere assorbiranno efficacemente i suoni indesiderati.

3. Ottenere una marmitta completa

If you’re looking for something else that can decrease your motorcycle’s sound levels, then I recommend going with a full case muffler. When it comes to these, you’ll have two options you can choose from.

Il primo è un silenziatore a camera singola, che è avvolto da una camera singola che verrà comunemente con alcuni deflettori. Questi deflettori sono principalmente fatti di metallo, con fori confezionati in acciaio inossidabile.

On the other hand, there’s the dual-chambered muffler, which is a muffler that’s divided into two separate parts. This enables each one to cancel out unwanted noise.

4. Ottenere nuovi tubi

If you haven’t had any success with the previous methods above, then you can simply try getting a new pipe.

In base al tipo di sistema di scarico che avete, ci sono molti tubi diversi che possono essere aggiunti. Per esempio, se avete un sistema a doppio scarico, potete procurarvi un tubo trasversale. These drastically reduce a motorcycle’s noise level by mixing the exhaust and the sound from the two systems.

Inoltre, vi consiglio di prendere un punta di scarico, in quanto questi in genere abbassano il livello di rumore aggiungendo fibra di vetro e isolamento extra a un sistema di scarico.

5. Usare le fasce extra

Questa è una delle soluzioni più economiche e semplici che puoi usare per risolvere il problema del tuo sistema di scarico rumoroso. Ci sono involucri fatti su misura come questi available, which are made from high-quality soundproofing materials and can withstand high temperatures. You can simply add these to the inside and outside of your muffler, or even wrap one around your exhaust system’s pipes.

6. Provare un silenziatore fatto su misura

Un altro nome usato per un dispositivo antirumore su misura è un silenziatore risonatore. Due to its fiberglass construction, it’ll absorb the loud, unwanted noise coming from your exhaust system. Moreover, because of the acciaio inossidabile design, uno di questi probabilmente vi durerà per molto tempo.


Hopefully, this guide has given you enough information to help you solve your motorcycle’s noise problem. Some of the above solutions are quite inexpensive and simple to apply, while others demand more effort and time.

If you don’t have any plans this weekend, regardless of which solution appeals to you, why not get some coffee and get your day started by dampening the sound of your motorcycle exhaust system?

Nel caso in cui anche voi abbiate a che fare con una jeep rumorosa, potreste essere interessati a questo articolo su insonorizzazione di una jeep wrangler. If you have questions about anything we’ve covered, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment down below.

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