How to Make a Hamster Wheel Quiet in 6 Simple Steps

Noise from a hamster wheel can be very annoying, especially at night when you’re trying to sleep. Nonetheless, it’s also disturbing to hear during the daytime as well. However, if you’re a lover of these beautiful pets, there is a solution!

As you may already know, hamsters mainly play and do their exercise at night. It’s very important for your hamster to exercise, because not getting enough exercise might cause serious health risks for them over time.

That being said, there are multiple ways in which you can quiet your hamster’s wheel once and for all. Some of these methods may have some downsides, while you may find some of them to be the perfect solution. It all depends on how much you’re planning on investing.

How to Make a Hamster Wheel Quiet

1. Look at the Cage’s Location

The location of the cage is very important when it comes to the wheel’s noise. A lot of people like to place their hamster’s cage right next to their bed, but if you’re being affected by the noise coming from the hamster’s wheel, then the best idea is to relocate the cage.

One of the simplest solutions is to place the cage in another room. Find a place with sufficient airflow and light, and no direct rays from the sun coming in.

You may want to keep your hamster’s cage in your bedroom during the day, but once you’d like to go to bed, you can simply move the cage to another room. That way, while your hamster is exercising and having fun, you’ll be able to sleep better.

2. Invest in a Silent Hamster Wheel

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If you’re frustrated by the noise coming from your hamster’s wheel, you can remove the wheel from the cage entirely, but that won’t be good for the hamster’s health. The wheel is a necessary part of your hamster’s life, because it’ll help with their physical health and emotional state. As a result, the smartest idea would be to invest in a silent hamster wheel instead.

These silent hamster wheels have been specifically designed to reduce unwanted noise as much as possible. There are actually two main types of silent wheels available on the market: plastic and wooden wheels. Both types are ideal for exercise, and will give your hamster a solid running surface that contains no areas in which they could get injured.

Silent wheels also come in many different colors, sizes and designs. Even though they’re innovative, they come at a very affordable price, so you won’t have to worry about breaking the bank to get one.

3. Choose the Right Hamster Cage

Another effective way to stop unwanted noise is to insulate your hamster’s cage or invest in a new one. Most hamster owners seem to go with the traditional cages with metal bars, but I personally don’t recommend these ones. At times, a hamster may become stressed and then gnaw and chew on the bars, and that’s when the unwanted noise will come into play.

This is why I think it’s best to invest in a plastic cage. There are lots of plastic cages to choose from, but I personally recommend that you select this one. It’s pretty easy to set up, and won’t fall over while the hamster inside is running. These cages are also easy to maintain, and will drastically reduce the amount of noise coming from your hamster’s wheel.

If you don’t want to invest in a new cage, then the best idea is to get a thick blanket and fold it up a few times. Following that, place it underneath the cage and it will help absorb most of the sound.

4. Lubricate the Hamster Wheel

Since the main purpose of the hamster wheel is spinning, it can get a bit rusty and squeaky over time. When this happens, the best thing you can do is lubricate the spinning components of the wheel.

You can simply take the wheel apart and use olive oil or Vaseline as the lubricator by rubbing the oil on all parts of the wheel (include the hinge and axle). After you finish, put the wheel back in its original position. This will not only help reduce noise, but it’ll also help your hamster move more easily and smoothly on the wheel.

5. Remove the Hamster Wheel

I only recommend this method if you’ve tried all the other ones above without success. Once it’s bedtime for you, then you can remove the hamster wheel from the cage, if you really don’t want to move the whole cage.

Removing the hamster wheel from the cage can affect your hamster’s health tremendously, though, so taking out the wheel during the night is not the best thing to do. It’s better to invest in a more permanent solution, such as a silent plastic hamster wheel.

6. Combine Different Methods

If you want the best results possible, it’s a good idea to combine several methods that have been mentioned above. For example, if you don’t have the money to invest in a silent wheel, then you can lubricate your existing one and relocate your cage to a different area of your home where the noise can’t reach you.


When it comes to quieting the noise from a hamster’s wheel, there really isn’t much you can do. Consequently, the best idea is to invest in a silent hamster wheel. By doing this, you’ll be able to avoid all the problems that may come with insulating your hamster’s cage.

If you’re not ready to make such an investment, which is understandable, then you can use another one of the methods above or even combine them for better results. Hamsters make great pets, and they’re a joy to have around, especially for kids. Finding the best way to decrease unwanted noise from their cage will surely improve your relationship with your little friend.

If you have any questions, please let us know by leaving a comment down below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Those of you who’ve found this article informative may also be interested in our guide to the best silent hamster wheels.

image: Pixabay

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