Como insonorizar um respiro de ar acima de uma porta - 3 Passos simples

As you may already know by now, I’ve always enjoyed soundproofing. I started off by soundproofing my home studio and my home office, and then I moved onto other rooms in the house. However, the home office was my biggest problem.

Eu fiz muito trabalho nesta sala. Comprei uma porta com núcleo sólido, isolamento, espuma acústica e tapetes grossos. Mas ainda tinha um problema: a saída de ar acima da porta do meu escritório! Sim, aquele espaço retangular oco na parede acima de uma porta que permite que ruídos indesejados circulem livremente de uma área para outra.

Felizmente, há três estratégias principais que você pode usar para proteger o ar de uma ventilação acima da porta. Você pode bloquear completamente o respiro de ar, completar uma renovação da casa ou criar um labirinto sonoro.

Por que você precisa de um ventilador de ar?

An air vent is called a transfer grille, and these have been designed to help increase the airflow when an ar condicionado or furnace is running. This helps ensure that the temperature throughout the home is properly maintained.

If you had no vent in your office and you had the door closed, the only way for air to return would be through the underside of the door. The door’s underside wouldn’t provide a sufficient opening, though, so the room would become somewhat pressurized and heating or cooling would suffer.

Como à prova de som no respiradouro de ar acima da porta

If you want to soundproof your air vent without undertaking a major construction project, then there are two ways to do it. First, you could choose to block the air vent completely, but you should do this only if you know for a fact that it’s no longer needed. Blocking off the air vent will give you the maximum level of soundproofing that’s possible, but at the expense of heating and cooling.

The second alternative is to create a noise reduction sound maze. The sound maze won’t block out all the unwanted noise, but it’ll reduce it enough to allow you to concentrate properly in your office.

1. Bloqueie seu respiradouro de ar

You could start by removing the vent and placing drywall over the hole permanently, as if it was never there. This method can be time-consuming, but the biggest problem with it is that you’ll need to spend money on drywall, tools and hardware.

Luckily, we’ve found a solution that’ll help you out: All you’ll need to do is remove the vent and spray the area with Grande preenchimento de lacuna. While spraying it, wait for it to completely fill in the open area until you’re sure there are sem lacunas left. After you’re finished, just put the vent back on, and it’ll keep the work you’ve done under the vent hidden.

Esta é a maneira mais fácil de se obter uma ventilação à prova de som, mas você também deve ter em mente que esta abordagem tornará seu escritório extremamente quente durante o verão.

2. Completar uma renovação da casa

I only recommend this method if you have a fair amount of money to spend, and if you’re willing to literally knock down part of your home. If so, completely removing the air vent from above your door may be the right solution for you. By removing the vent and replacing it with drywall, you can guarantee yourself peace and quiet.

The only drawback to this method, aside from the fact that you’ll need to spend money on drywall, tools and other accessories, is that it’ll take a lot of hard work.

3. Criar um Labirinto Sonoro

Este método (veja uma descrição visual aqui.) will take some effort. Nonetheless, it’ll result in a room that’s peaceful and quiet, but also easy to heat and cool.

Um labirinto sonoro é basicamente um labirinto que você pode criar dentro de um respiradouro de ar usando pedaços de madeira fina. The wood is must be covered with acoustic foam, and then you’ll need to glue the wood inside the vent to create the maze.

Com um labirinto, o som terá que ziguezaguear várias vezes antes de entrar na sala, o que matará significativamente a maioria dos sons.

What You’ll Need

  • Cola de madeira
  • Uma serra de madeira para cortar o compensado
  • Espuma acústica ou algodão (eu usaria isto espuma)
  • Chave de fenda para madeira pequena
  • Plywood that’s about a quarter of an inch thick
  • Uma faca ou tesoura utilitária para cortar a espuma

Como criar um labirinto sonoro

  • First, take the saw and cut the wood into four pieces that measure a few inches shorter than the insides of your air vent. Make sure you cut them correctly, as opposed to making them too big, or they won’t fit into the air vent.
  • Segundo, pegue o tapetes de espuma e usá-las para cobrir as tábuas de madeira. Você deve afixá-las nas tábuas com cola, se necessário.
  • Next, use a screwdriver to remove the vent’s cover.
  • Fixe as tábuas de madeira embrulhadas na parede de seu respiradouro de ar com seu cola de madeira.
  • Repeat this process with the other three pieces of wood. It’s best to position them about one inch apart; however, that’s up to you to decide.

Note que as aberturas têm de estar em extremos opostos para criar um padrão em ziguezague, como se vê na imagem em este link.

This method is very effective, but obviously, it isn’t as effective at blocking noise as simply drywalling off the area completely. You might still hear a few sounds coming from the vent, but this solution will dramatically decrease the amount of unwanted noise that probably gets on your nerves at night.


Soundproofing an above door air vent doesn’t sound that hard, right? In this article, I’ve explained three different strategies you can use to stop the noise. Now, it’s up to you to decide which one best suits your needs.

Você também pode estar interessado no meu guia para isolamento acústico barato em uma sala.

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imagem: Wikimedia Commons

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