How to Soundproof a Dog Crate – Affordable Tips That Actually Work

As an animal lover, I own one dog and he’s a joy for me to have in my life. However, the one annoying thing about dogs—besides cleaning up after them—is their constant howling and barking (especially when they’re just pups).

Many dogs experience anxiety when they hear loud noises created by storms, fireworks or even trains. If you notice your dog acting strange when there are loud noises in your environment, then you need to create a safe space for your pet. A safe space can be a crate or even a small room that’s been soundproofed.

Although you can’t make a dog crate 100 percent soundproof, you can help reduce the amount of noise your dog can hear in there, and the amount of noise that’s able to get out. Below, I’ll go through the most effective steps you can take to soundproof a dog crate and give both yourself and your dog some much-needed peace.

How to Soundproof a Dog Crate—Why Is It Necessary?

Soundproof dog crates are small crates (big enough to fit any dog) that have been modified to prevent barking noises from escaping. They’re usually made of sound-absorbing and sound-dampening materials. Aside from absorbing sound, they can also reduce reverberation, which can decrease the intensity of the sound coming from the crate.

Soundproof dog crates can be comforting for your dog, as the echo of their own barking can sometimes scare them. These crates will also help your dog sleep comfortably.

How to Stop Your Dog From Barking in its Crate

Avoid Emotional Farewells

Bidding your dog an emotional farewell will leave them distressed and lonely, and as a result, they may end up barking and whining for hours until they fall asleep or you arrive home. If you’re about to go out, try to leave without hugging your dog, as this will allow them to become accustomed to your departures.

Get Your Dog a Toy

The best way to get your dog in a playful mood is by throwing them a toy, and the toy will likely keep them busy enough that they don’t bark while you’re away. One toy that most dogs seem to like is the fluffy Snuggle Puppy, and you can also get a Kong Toy that will pop out a treat when your dog chews on it in a particular way.

Train Your Dog to Stay in the Crate

Many dog owners think that disciplining a dog is somehow cruel, but that’s simply not the case. No matter what, you’ll have to train your dog to stay in the crate and get comfortable. Of course, for the first few days, they’ll whine and bark whenever you place them in the crate. But giving in and letting them out will only make things harder. Once you give them the assurance that you’re no pushover, most of those bad manners will go away.

Find a Dog Sitter

If you can afford one, we highly recommend that you get a dog sitter to stay with your best friend whenever you’re away. If you can’t pay for one, then a family member or friend may be able to stay with them. A neighbor who has kids might also be a good option, if they agree to it. Regardless of who you choose to take care of your dog, the dog should feel safe with whoever is watching them.

Place a Camera in the Crate

Dog cameras are an effective way to keep a dog quiet. With these cameras, you can use apps on your smartphone to see and talk to your dog when you’re not at home. The dog will also see and hear you on their end. Whenever you’re ready, you can turn the camera off, but if the dog starts barking or acting funny, you’ll get a “barking alert” so you can turn it on and see what’s going on.

If you’re interested in one of these, I recommend the Furbo Dog Camera, which has many positive reviews on Amazon. It comes with a treat slot, a night vision camera, a livestream, a barking alert function and much more.

Don’t Leave Your Dog in the Bathroom

Some dog owners choose to leave their dogs in the bathroom when they go out, but that’s a bad idea, since your dog probably isn’t used to sitting or sleeping in the bathroom.

Tire Out Your Dog

In the same way that people play with babies to get them to fall asleep, you can play with your dog to tire them out before you have to leave. A good way to do this without tiring yourself out in the process is by playing fetch. Constantly launch the toy as far as possible, so your dog will have to cover as much distance as possible to retrieve it. That way, when they get to their crate, all they’ll want to do is sleep—and a sleeping dog won’t bark.

5 Steps to Soundproofing a Dog Crate

To block out internal and external sounds in a particular area, it’s important to seal even the smallest gaps that can allow sound to pass through. By doing so within a dog crate, however, you’d be closing off all the ventilation your dog needs. Consequently, completely sealing off a dog crate isn’t possible.

The following steps will enable you to soundproof your dog crate as effectively as possible without making it difficult for your dog to breathe.

1. Add a Crate Cover

llolwinIn this case, although regular dog crate covers are cheaper, you should search specifically for a soundproof cover.

When shopping for a cover, make sure you get one that perfectly fits the dog crate. I recommend the Pet Dreams Crate Cover, because it provides all-around coverage and padding. The cover comes in three parts that allow for both interior and exterior coverage of the crate.

If you can’t afford to buy a crate cover, it’s a good idea to place a blanket over the crate. You must select a blanket that won’t make the crate too dark or too hot, though.

2. Soundproof the Walls of the Room

Although you can’t soundproof a dog crate in its entirety, you can soundproof the walls of the room the crate is in. You should consider doing this if your neighbors are getting annoyed by your dog’s barking.

Of course, this will be more expensive than merely soundproofing a dog crate. If your neighbors upstairs are complaining, soundproofing the ceiling of the room may be a simpler option. Likewise, if the noise is bothering your downstairs neighbors, soundproofing the floor seems like a logical choice.

If you aren’t handy when it comes to soundproofing the walls, floors or ceilings of a home, I’d advise you to stick with just soundproofing your dog crate as much as possible.

3. Soundproof the Window(s) of the Room

You can easily soundproof the window(s) of the room your crate is in by using noise-reducing curtains. These curtains are available in many different colors and designs, and they’re very affordable as well. I recommend that you pick up either the Nicetown Blackout Curtains or a Moondream Sound Insulation Curtain.

For more information, check my guide to the best soundproof curtains.

4. Invest in a Soft Crate

Soft crates usually have some padding, which helps block noise from entering and exiting them. Soft crates also have the ability to fold easily, so you can store yours away when it’s not needed. Additionally, they can be a lot more comfortable for a dog to sit in than wired crates are.

As a start to your search for a soft crate, you can check out the Petsfit Soft Portable Crate on Amazon. This is a foldable crate with a simple metal frame. The entire frame is made up of mesh material, which is great for temperature control and airflow.

If you don’t mind spending a bit more money, I highly recommend that you take a look at the Noz2Noz Soft-Krater Indoor and Outdoor Crate instead. It’s similar to the Petsfit crate, but it costs a bit more. It doesn’t come with bedding, but it looks much more attractive and will keep the noise coming from your dog’s barking at a low level.

5. Use Sound-Absorbing Blankets

Another inexpensive method you can use to cover the dog crate and reduce the amount of noise coming in or out of it is to purchase a sound-absorbing blanket. These blankets are made of materials that will help with sound-deadening, and they also come with grommets that’ll allow you to hang them inside your crate and cover up the walls. This, in turn, creates a relatively dark and warm crate that’s comfortable for a dog to sleep in.

The low-budget way of doing this is by using some old sheets or blankets you have lying around the house, rather than buying sound-absorbing blankets. The old blankets and sheets may not be as effective, but they’ll still make a difference.

How to Soundproof a Dog Kennel

Soundproofing a dog kennel is slightly different than soundproofing a dog crate. The noise level inside a kennel tends to be much higher since there’s a lot more room for the sound to travel. Therefore, keeping the sound contained should be the goal, and a great way to do this is to add acoustic tiles to the walls of the kennel. Due to their industrial-strength adhesive, acoustic tiles can directly adhere to walls and ceilings.

You can also add acoustic panels, which come in a variety of different colors, sizes and fabrics, to the kennel’s walls. These panels will help absorb your dog’s howls or barks.

The Benefits of a Soundproof Dog Crate

There are many benefits that come with a soundproof dog crate. Here are just a few of the most important ones:

  • Your dog will be safe within a peaceful, quiet environment
  • You won’t be disturbed by unnecessary barking
  • Your pup will be protected from the noise coming from outside
  • You’ll encounter fewer complaints from neighbors and visitors

How Long Can You Leave a Dog in a Crate?

If your dog is an adult, then you can typically leave him or her in their crate for about eight hours. This may vary, depending on your dog’s personality and physical characteristics. On the other hand, since young pups are still in their learning phase, they can’t be left alone for long.


There are lots of ways in which you can soundproof a dog crate, but the methods I summarized above tend to be the most effective ones. By following these tips, you should be able to create a comforting and safe area for your dog.

If you try any of the methods above with success, please share your experience with us. Similarly, if you have any additional questions, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment in the comment section below.

In the event that bathroom soundproofing may be a task in your future, you can check out our guide to soundproofing a toilet room.

image: Austin Kirk

2 thoughts on “How to Soundproof a Dog Crate – Affordable Tips That Actually Work”

  1. Salve, ho una cuccia per cani con sportellino bucherellato che vorrei insonorizzare….dunque….potrei applicare dei fogli fonoassorbenti internamente e coprire l cuccia con una coperta fonoassorbente?
    E per gli spazi per respirare come si fa?

  2. Ich suchte eine beruhigende Höhle, Schalldicht, zu Silvester. Und finde… Lass den Hund 8 Stunden da drin. ???
    So ein Mensch braucht keinen Hund.
    Hunde bellen, je nach Rasse unterschiedlich ausgeprägt. Das nennt man Kommunikation. Sie würden ihr Baby auch nicht in eine Schalldichte Box stecken. Sondern das Schreiben lernen um zu verstehen was es bedeutet.
    Ein Hund soll keine 4 Stunden alleine sein, weil Rudeltier, Wolf. Er soll ein Familienmitglied sein. Und der Schlüssel ist Zeit um es mit Liebe und Konsequenz zu erziehen. Da auch ein Kind zum Tyrannen wird wenn man es nicht Erzieht.

    Die soziale Intelligenz eines Landes erkennt man an seiner Tierliebe. Um so nördlicher um so sozialer. Sagt man in Europa.


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