Schalldichter Jeep Wrangler - 10 Wege zur Reduzierung von lauten Geräuschen

No matter what type of car you own, it almost goes without saying that cars make a lot of noise. However, Jeep Wranglers are especially noisy, and many people find their noise unpleasant, even though it contributes to this vehicle’s powerful image.

Fortunately, if you want to soundproof your Jeep Wrangler, all you’ll need to do is follow this guide carefully, and you should have a quieter car in no time.

Wie man den Jeep Wrangler schalldicht macht

1. Dämmen Sie den Bereich unter dem Teppichboden

When it comes to soundproofing your car, there are tons of options and materials available. The first thing you’ll need to do is insulate your car’s floor, beneath the carpet, and you can start this process by adding an Automobil Jute Teppich. Due to the thickness of the carpet, it’ll provide excellent insulation and help protect your Wrangler’s flooring.

As an alternative, there are dozens of good sound-deadening mats you can use. I’ve only had experience with the selbstklebende FatMatund ich weiß mit Sicherheit, dass es sehr gut funktioniert. FatMat ist ein Schalldämpfer, der überall in Ihrem Auto verwendet werden kann, auch im Kofferraum und im Motorraum. Er kann auch auf den Türen und dem Dach angebracht werden.

The installation process is very easy. All you’ll need to do is remove the carpet that’s currently in your car and then put these mats on your car’s floor. After doing that, you can put the original carpet back again. Following that, you can expect to notice a big difference!

However, if you use the FatMat or the automotive jute carpet, and you don’t get the results you want, then you might consider using a Auto Zellschaum Isolierung Dämpfer Matte. This product has the same basic characteristics as FatMat. It’s also waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about it getting wet, and it’s extremely lightweight, along with being oil and petrol-resistant.

The installation process is quite the same: You’ll need to cut the mat with scissors or a knife to the correct size, and then install it underneath the car’s flooring. Make sure there are no gaps, because even the smallest gap can allow sound to pass through.

If you’ve found this guide helpful so far, you may also want to check out my guide to reducing vibration from a car’s subwoofer.

2. Verwenden Sie ein Segeltuchoberteil

If your goal is to get rid of your vehicle’s noise completely, then this might be the right solution for you. This method is a bit more expensive than others, but it’ll be worth it in the end.

Bestop Segeltuchverdecke sind sehr beliebt und sollen 50 Prozent leiser sein als herkömmliche Geräte. Wenn Sie sich dafür entscheiden, in ein solches Gerät zu investieren, haben Sie die Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Ausführungen - und das zu einem vernünftigen Preis.

3. Kaufen Sie ein schalldämpfendes Dachhimmel-Kit

Eine weitere wirksame Methode, die Sie ausprobieren können, ist ein schalldämmender Dachhimmel. Dieses maßgeschneiderte Kit isoliert den Jeep gegen Außengeräusche sowie heiße und kalte Temperaturen.

Ich empfehle die Verwendung des DE Baumatte because it’s very easy to install. It’s also extremely effective and quite affordable. For the best results possible, I’d recommend pairing it with a Seitenfensterverkleidungssatzda diese Produkte bei der Bekämpfung von Lärm und Temperatur gut zusammenarbeiten.

4. Wechseln Sie die Dichtungsstreifen

One reason you might be hearing lots of wind when you’re driving quickly is the condition of your vehicle’s weatherstrips. Before taking any action, the best thing to do is check and see if the existing weatherstrips are properly sealed.

If they’re well-sealed, but you’re still hearing noise from the wind, then it’s time to replace them. You can find various weatherstrips online for an affordable price, and we recommend diese in particular. Weatherstripping is easy to install, but it’s best to let a professional do the installation, because even the smallest hole can cause a problem.

5. Wechseln Sie Ihre Reifen

If your weatherstripping is fine, your existing tires could be the reason why your Jeep Wrangler is so noisy. As a result, it’s a great idea to change your tires to a less aggressive type that won’t make as much noise. Even though there’s no way to tell exactly which tires are the quietest, you may find it helpful to check out this Forenbeitrag wo Jeep Wrangler-Besitzer über leise Reifen diskutieren.

6. Isolieren Sie den Bereich unter der Motorhaube

It would be difficult to soundproof an engine of any kind, especially one in a Jeep Wrangler, but adding insulation under the hood can reduce the noise level dramatically. The same material used to soundproof the jeep’s floor can also be used to insulate the hood.

So kompliziert es auch erscheinen mag, es ist ein recht einfacher Vorgang. Sie können damit beginnen, die Innenseite der Haube mit selbstklebende FatMat. After you do so, you won’t be able to hear your engine’s noise, and it’s unlikely that you’ll face any difficulties while installing this material.

FatMat ist das beste Produkt für diese Aufgabe, da es Hitze gut aushalten kann und eine ziemlich lange Lebensdauer hat.

If you happen to have a van, as well as a jeep, here’s a useful guide to Schalldämmung eines Lastwagens.

7. Aerodynamische Spiegel kaufen

You can also install aerodynamic mirrors in your jeep, which will significantly reduce the amount of noise from wind and drafts that you can hear. These mirrors will help break down the wind’s vibrations before they can hit your side windows and make “whooshing” noises.

8. Prüfen Sie den Heber auf Fehler

A lifter is a small, cylindrical object that’s part of a vehicle’s engine. For a pushrod engine, the lifter pushes the pushrod up into the rocker arm and opens the valve. You should take the time to check the lifter in your Jeep Wrangler, because having a faulty lifter may result in unwanted noise.

One of the most common problems is that the lifter is worn out and needs to be replaced, while another common issue is that it has accumulated dirt and debris. If you find that your lifter is the main reason behind your vehicle’s unwanted noise, you can read more about quieting a noisy lifter hier.

9. Ohrstöpsel verwenden

Even though this method is cost-effective, you should only consider it as a permanent solution if the previous ones didn’t make a difference in your Jeep Wrangler’s noise level.

If your car continues to make a lot of noise, you can simply pop earplugs into your ears, and you won’t be able to hear anything around you. You can also use this as a temporary solution if you haven’t had time to try out all the other methods above yet.

Der Nachteil bei der Verwendung von Ohrstöpseln ist, dass sie Ihr Umweltbewusstsein beeinträchtigen können. Wenn Sie sie an einer stark befahrenen Straße verwenden, könnte dies sogar gefährlich sein, da sich die Menschen in der Regel auf ihr Gehör verlassen, um sich im dichten Verkehr zu schützen.

Die besten Ohrstöpsel auf dem Markt sind jedoch die Eargasm High Fidelity Ohrstöpsel. Mit über 2.000 positiven Nutzerbewertungen auf Amazon scheinen sie ihren Preis wert zu sein!


The Jeep Wrangler is noisier than most cars, because it has a very powerful engine, and the cabin is not insulated in a way that’ll completely block out noise. Luckily, there are many ways you can soundproof your Jeep Wrangler, and we’ve provided the most common solutions that won’t hamper the performance of your car. After trying these methods, you should notice a significant drop in your vehicle’s noise level, even if it still makes a bit of noise.

Weitere Informationen über schalldämmende Materialien im Allgemeinen finden Sie in unserem Vergleich von SoundSkins vs. Dynamat.

Bild: Pixabay

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