In a lot of emergency situations, breaking glass can help. For instance, it could be that you’ve lost the keys to your house and have no way to get inside.
Breaking your window could alert your neighbors or a random person passing by who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. They may end up calling the cops and making the situation worse.
However, in this guide, I’m going to show you the most effective way to break a glass silently. So without further ado, let’s start.
How to Break Glass Quietly
Method 1: Household Items
1. Use Duct Tape
The first thing I recommend doing is covering the entire glass with duct tape on both sides, so no glass is visible after you finish. This will allow you to keep all the broken pieces in place, which will prevent them from making noise.
The soft surface of the duct tape will also minimize the noise of your hammer, a stone or any other object you decide to use to break the glass.
2. Place Thick Blankets Below the Glass
Another effective method of breaking glass quietly is to place at least one thick pillow or blanket directly below the glass, so the pieces don’t make any noise when they fall. For the best results possible, I suggest that you place several layers of pillows or blankets beneath the glass you want to break.
3. Place a Thick Pillow Against the Glass
You can also place a thick pillow against the glass and then hit it gently with a hammer until the glass breaks. The duct tape will be holding the broken pieces of the glass together, so they won’t be able to fall and create unwanted noise. If any pieces do manage to fall, the soft blankets (or pillows) below will absorb any remaining sound.
Method 2: Use the Ceramic Portion of a Spark Plug
If you’re stuck in a sinking car, or you’re outside your car and desperately need to get inside, there are many ways to break a car window. The best way to do so, though, is to use the ceramic portion of a spark plug. These can break glass pretty easily and quietly.
Method 3: Use An Automatic Steel Center Punch
An automatic steel center punch is a hand tool used to produce a dimple in a particular piece of material. It can also be used to quickly and quietly break glass. When it’s pressed against glass, it stores energy in its spring and then releases it as an impulse that drives the punch and produces the dimple.
A center punch can be purchased at most hardware stores at an affordable price.
I hope this article has provided you with everything you need to know about breaking glass silently. Before breaking glass, you should also check and see if the glass you’re trying to break is safety glass. This type of glass is usually made from two layers of glass with a layer of plastic in between.
However, if you are in a situation in which you can’t find duct tape, pillows or blankets, and the glass you’re trying to break is safety glass, you should be just fine. Safety glass is actually a lot quieter than ordinary glass when it’s being broken, thanks to the individual shards staying in place.
Thank you for taking the time to read our article. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment down below. You may also be interested in another recent article, How Late Can You Play Loud Music? – 6 Ways to Deal With Neighbors!
image 1: Pixabay; image 2: Joe Loong
Ich bedanke mich für den gut beschriebenen Artikel. Viele Punkte über das geräuschlos brechen von Glas habe ich selbst noch gar nicht gewusst. Ich musste mal ein Fenster einschlagen, da ich meinen Schlüssel vergessen hatte. Das war aber mit viel Lärm…