Como parar o barulho das portas dos alto-falantes - 7 Passos Fáceis

Listening to your favorite playlist when driving, especially on a long road trip, can be relaxing and exciting at the same time. I tend to enjoy every moment of a long drive once I’m able to hear my favorite song.

However, my mood can be completely ruined by the rattling of the vehicle door that’s usually caused by the speakers. Luckily there are ways you can fix this problem without breaking the bank!

In this article, I’ll briefly explain how to stop a porta do carro from rattling so you can enjoy listening to your favorite songs as you drive along. This seven-step method is extremely effective, and from personal experience, I know that it’s quite easy to carry out.

Como impedir o barulho das portas dos alto-falantes

1. Retirar todos os itens dos bolsos dos painéis das portas

Before removing any screws or repairing any speakers, you can start with the easiest task: removing all items from the doors’ packets.

Às vezes, o barulho de chocalhar é causado por itens soltos dentro dos bolsos dos painéis das portas. Você pode encontrar moedas, copos, relógios ou outros pequenos itens que podem estar fazendo barulho enquanto você toca música. Se você encontrar alguma destas coisas, você deve removê-las todas e testar novamente seu áudio.

Hopefully, the rattling noise is gone. If it continues, you’ll need to move on to the other steps below.

2. Localize o orador que está causando o problema

To stop your audio system from rattling, you must carefully inspect your speakers and determine which one is the culprit. In order to do this, you’ll need to adjust the fade and balance on the stereo receiver.

Em minha própria experiência, o barulho do barulho vinha de apenas um dos alto-falantes. Para resolver este problema, você pode ajustar o ruído, o que lhe permitirá mover o som entre os alto-falantes frontais e traseiros. Da mesma forma, o ajuste do equilíbrio irá mover o som entre os alto-falantes esquerdo e direito.

After finding out which speaker is rattling, you can attempt to fix the issue. Loose screws are the most common cause of rattling speakers. However, there are many other things that might cause this problem, including vibration from the car’s panels and speakers that are totally “blown.”

If you want to get rid of the rattling or vibration, you’ll have to work your way through these four steps below:

  • Inspect each speaker’s mounting
  • Determinar se um determinado orador é soprado
  • Instalar bloqueadores de graves
  • Check the car’s body panels

By the time you’re finished going through this list, your car’s audio problem may be solved.

3. Retirar o painel da porta

You’ll need to detach the door panel in order to reach the speakers, if they’re located inside the door, and to install sound-deadening material in your vehicle. Most door panels have a series of plastic tabs that cover the screws, so I recommend that you first use a flathead screwdriver to pop these tabs out, and then remove the screws. If you don’t have any idea how to remove the door panel, then este artigo será um grande recurso para você.

4. Remover o Escudo de Vapor

Once you’ve completely removed the door panel, you should search for a sponge-like object that’s also known as a “vapor shield” (it’s made of rubber in some cars). The vapor shield plays an important role, as it’s used to prevent water from coming inside the car.

When removing the vapor shield, you should be gentle. Once you’re done, you’ll notice a big hole that’s been specifically designed to help a mechanic easily access the windows. This is the place where you’ll have to apply a sound-deadening mat.

5. Aplicar o material sonoro

Como impedir o barulho das portas dos alto-falantes

Now after you’ve successfully completed all the steps above, it’ll be time to apply the sound-deadening material. There are many different sound-deadening materials you can use, but I personally recommend the Kit Dynamat Extreme Car Door Kit. Você deve posicionar o máximo possível de sua esteira de som dentro do buraco mencionado anteriormente, para que o barulho possa ser completamente interrompido.

You should also keep in mind that the thickness of your sound-deadening mat will determine how effective it will be. This is why I highly recommended getting Dynamat: It’s very thick, with self-adhesive capabilities, and it’s also heat-resistant.

Unfortunately, Dynamat can be quite expensive for some people, and I’m aware of that. This is why I took the time to search for the best affordable alternative, and the Noico 80 mil Sound Deadener comes out on top (clique aqui para verificar o preço atual online).

For more information on this step, here’s another article on portas de carro com som de amortecimento.

6. Verifique se o Tapete é Eficaz

After you’ve successfully installed your sound-deadening mat, you should check whether any doors are still rattling when you play music. If you still notice rattling, you can apply more mats to the aforementioned mechanical hole.

7. Substitua todas as peças que você removeu

Once you’re satisfied with the results you’ve achieved, you should put back all the parts you removed earlier, including the vapor shield and the interior door panel. Make sure you do it slowly and carefully, to avoid damaging the door of your car.


Most cars tend to rattle when the music you’re listening to contains loud bass sounds. Nonetheless, if you follow the above steps carefully, you should be able to prevent your car doors from rattling due to the sound that’s coming from your speakers.

If you’ve tried all the steps above and nothing seems to have worked, then you may need to hire a car audio expert. The downside to this is that hiring an expert to examine your vehicle and audio system can be a bit costly, especially for those on a tight budget.

Here’s another article you may want to check out: Noico Sound Deadener Review - Obtenha os Fatos (Hoje!)

imagem: Pixabay

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