Como fazer um ginásio doméstico à prova de som em 2019 - 10 Passos Simples

If you’re a gym enthusiast like me, then you know that one of the best feelings ever is having your own home gym.

However, there’s a downside to this, since working out in your own gym at home can get a little noisy. I didn’t notice the amount of noise I was making until my neighbors began to complain about the noise level.

Decidi agir, pesquisando os equipamentos de ginástica mais silenciosos e as formas mais eficazes de uma casa à prova de som ginásio.

After reading this article, you’ll know exactly how to reduce unwanted noise and echoes in your home gym without breaking the bank. Taking the time to reduce the amount of sound coming from your gym is a fairly simple process that you and your neighbors will surely appreciate.

Como fazer um ginásio em casa à prova de som

1. Obtenha algumas placas de para-choque

A primeira coisa que eu recomendo é que você consiga placas de borracha para pára-choques para churrasqueira, Crossfit e elevação olímpica. Uma das principais diferenças entre estas placas e as placas de aço padrão é que estas são feitas de borracha sólida.

The rubber material will help reduce noise, clanging and vibrations as you use the weights. Plus, bumper plates won’t damage your gym floor if you drop them.

2. Usar Campainhas Revestidas de Borracha

Outro método eficaz de acalmar sua academia doméstica é o uso de chaleiras revestidas de borracha, como estes. As chaleiras podem criar muito ruído à medida que caem, mas o revestimento de borracha fará com que estas façam menos barulho do que o habitual.

3. Invista em halteres revestidos com borracha

I enjoy using full-metal dumbbells, but unfortunately, iron-free weights that aren’t coated with rubber will produce a lot of noise as you lay them down on hard surfaces.

Investindo em alta qualidade halteres revestidos de borracha is the best thing you can do to reduce the amount of noise your dumbbells will make. When you place your dumbbells on a rack, drop them on the floor or hit them together while you’re lifting them, the rubber coatings will help eliminate unwanted noise.

4. Adquira um saco de areia para serviço pesado

If your goal is to take your workout to the next level, it’s a great idea to invest in a saco de areia pesado, as these can help you build muscle while you keep your home gym’s noise level low.

If you don’t have the money to buy kettlebells or dumbbells, you can do almost any exercise with a heavy-duty sandbag. Sandbags are popular among a wide variety of athletes, as using one is a great way to develop your stabilizer muscles and grip strength skills.

5. Cubra suas paredes/chão com tapetes de borracha grossa

Usually, home gyms are located in a garage or in a spare, empty room. Since these spaces are often enclosed, a lot of echoes are typically created by the weights used within them. Therefore, to make your home gym quieter, you’ll need to insulate the walls and the floor with rubber carpeting.

Covering your walls can also help protect them from barbells or dumbbells that might roll into them by accident. If you’re a handyman, then the installation process should be quite easy for you. Admittedly, using tapete to cover a room’s walls and flooring isn’t the most effective way of reducing echoes, but it’s probably the cheapest solution.

6. Instalação de Painéis Acústicos

If you don’t mind spending a bit of money, a more effective method for soundproofing a wall involves the installation of acoustic panels. Acoustic panels are a bit pricier than rubber carpeting, but because of their effectiveness, you may feel that they’re worth the price.

These panels are often used in recording studios to reduce both unwanted noise and echoes, but they’ll also work well in a home gym. To complete the installation process, you can simply add foam panels como estes to the walls. By covering the walls with their soft but thick material, you’ll notice a huge difference in the prevalence of echoes, and some reduction in the overall noise level, too.

Painéis de espuma acústica come in a variety of colors, patterns and shapes. If you’d like, you can purchase multiple colors and install them in a variety of patterns. You don’t need to cover every inch of each wall, but the more you cover, the better the result will be.

7. Criar pequenos poços de areia

To dampen the noise level when you’re dropping your weights or banging them around, you can create a couple of small sandpits. Aside from reducing the amount of noise that comes from your weights, the sandpits will also keep your weights from bouncing and rolling around.

You can simply create square frames to hold the sand, and these small pits will the designated areas in which you’ll drop your weights.

8. Implementar Treinamento em Suspensão

It always feels great to change up your routine with a few bodyweight exercises, and if you’re serious about having a quieter home gym, then including suspension training is the right way to go. You can try using a Kit de treinamento TRXque incluirá um punhado de peças de equipamento altamente funcionais.

9. Reduzir o ruído da esteira

If you have a treadmill, it’s probably the noisiest piece of equipment in your home gym. Some treadmills are louder than others, but they all make noise that can be quite annoying.

To fix this problem, I suggest that you place your treadmill on top of a thick rubber mat, or add an anti-vibration pad to each corner of the treadmill’s base. Doing either one of these things will help you significantly reduce the amount of noise your treadmill makes as you run on it.

Geralmente, quanto mais rápido você corre em uma esteira, mais alto ela se torna, mas usar sapatos leves ou correr descalço pode fazer uma enorme diferença. Se sua esteira tem mais de um ano de idade, então você pode precisar lubrificar as correias. Recomendo que você o faça a cada cinco a oito meses, em média, mas você pode fazê-lo com mais freqüência se desejar.

10. À prova de som na porta

A lot of people forget about sound-dampening their door, although a doorway is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to unwanted noise in a room. However, soundproofing your door doesn’t have to be an expensive task.

A primeira coisa que você deve fazer é procurar quaisquer aberturas e rachaduras em sua porta, e vedá-las adequadamente usando um selante isolante. Quanto ao espaço entre a porta e o chão, você pode usar uma varredura de porta para bloquear o som.


É completamente impossível isolar um ginásio doméstico, mas seguir os passos acima permitirá amortecer significativamente o nível de ruído e reduzir o eco. Se você trabalha em um escritório, você também pode querer verificar este guia para insonorização de um cubículo.

Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre insonorização, sinta-se à vontade para nos avisar, deixando um comentário abaixo.

imagem: Pixabay

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